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Welcome to the Linux Gamers on Chromebooks Homepage!

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About this Website

This website is made for students or anybody else who has a Chromebook, and wants to get more use out of it. Chromebooks are really basic web-based laptops. They are fairly locked down which makes them more secure, so they are perfect for people who don't need to do much more than some basic presentations, watch videos, or play basic mobile games.

The creators of this website have Chromebooks, and in fact coded this website soley using these Chromebooks. We like to play games, code and do others things on a computer that Chromebooks simply weren't designed to do. So we are setting out on a mission to give anybody who has a Chromebook the oportunity to make more use out of it. We are going to make plenty of guides for installing desktop games, installing desktop media editors, and more for Chromebooks.

We are commited to making thourough, and easy to follow and understand guides. Soon, the page will be set up so that viewers of this site can ask us to make guides for doing specific things on a Chromebook or getting specific software on a Chromebook.

Further Information


We're looking for guide ideas and people to help style and code new pages, contact:


for more info on opportunities, or to submit guide ideas.

Who is This Website Ideal for?

This website is an ideal source of information on how to modify your Chromebook to be more capable. We make specific and thorough guides suited for people who ❪probably❫ don't have very much knowledge about how Linux works and how to use it, and how to unlock your Chromebooks true potential. This includes students, parents, and anybody else who ❪most likely❫ doesn't know much about how to use Linux but has a Chromebook that they want to use for more advanced things.

What Kinds of Desktop Software can Most Chromebooks Run?

Most Chromebooks ❪some Chromebooks don’t have the ability to run Linux so they can’t do this❫ can run web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, or Edge, image editors like Gimp, video editors like Openshot, game launchers like Steam, and more.

Would I lose my data or permanently alter my Chromebook?

Unless the guide explicitly states that losing your data or permamentaly modifying your Chromebook is part of the process, your data and Chromebook will not permanentaly or significantly changed as long as THE PROCESS WAS SUCCESSFUL.